
Since last entry, quite a lot of things happend. Firstly, I developed the digging idea. I have used little very simple models to explore the space created by digging.I have tried out various materials such as sponge and polystyrene. I believe that the whole process was quite successful. Just by sort of excavating tunnels in my models I created quite interesting and very natural and unique looking spaces. I really liked all the tiny spaces and I can see them as private apartments or public spaces such  as galleries or cafes. Material wise I believe polystyrene was the most interesting and successful material to work with. Due to little balls in the polystyrene the excavation process can't be controlled that much therefore it becomes more natural. Sponge worked quite well but I believe it is too soft for this particular process.
To put my spaces into context I drew little sketches showing people walking in them. However, I believe I should have photoshoped them into an actual spaces. Model people could have been handy as well. These action would give my models scale and context. It would be easier for other to understand what this is ment to be.

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