
Research overview

Research I have done is not satisfying enough. I am rather disappointed as the designs and art that include nature are very straight forward. I hoped that research will inform my practical work. I hoped to get inspired to try out various media and different processes. However, all the research include plants only and it is just vertical or other types of gardens. Everything I found about sand seems bit unrealistic, whilst everything about water is just boring. So, the research hardly informed me about any media or processes possible.
Besides, little bit of researched on London ruined the whole project. I haven't realised before how green London was. Every here and there there is a little park or a garden or just a little green area. There is also the Thames that brings different type of nature to London.

I increased the colours a bit to demonstrate how green London actually is.

I realised that London does not need more green or natural spaces. However, I wanted to bring more nature into architecture and everyday lifestyle as nature makes people happier and cheers them up. The purpose of all the project was to make people happier and the nature was just the means to achieve it. Since I reached a dead end with nature project I believe I need to find other things that make people happy and work with them.  

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